
What can we do in the community to help lower rates of cancer? ​

One promising method is through the use of family health history. Our mission is to promote and provide cancer family history (CFH) training to community health workers (CHWs).​

Together we can…

  • educate the general public about CFH,
  • increase the use of cancer genetic screening,
  • provide cancer prevention services,
  • reduce cancer rates, and
  • support healthy lifestyles for community members.

This CFH training program is free. Upon completion, CHWs will also receive 6 free Texas certified continuing education units (CEUs)!

To register, click on the CHW tab or the CHW Training Center tab above.

About Us

This cancer family history (CFH) training project constitutes a multidisciplinary, cross-institutional collaboration among experienced investigators, leaders, and genetic experts at Texas A&M University, community health worker (CHW) organizations, and Baylor College of Medicine.

Our Vision

We aim to promote cancer services that based on family health history and to deliver cancer family history (CFH) training to community health workers (CHWs). CFH-trained CHWs can help reach underserved populations and engage them in personalized cancer prevention activities.


Register online and received 6 CEUs when you complete the cancer family history (CFH) training!